Our Robots
2022 - Kirby
AndyMark Kit of Parts tank drive
Through-bumper pneumatically actuated intake
Conveyor with indexing automated by retroreflective photo sensors
Double-wide fixed shooter, optimized for consistent fender shots
Fast mid-rung climber with ratcheting system to prevent back-drive
5 ball autonomous mode
Wisconsin Regional: Semi-Finalist alliance, Autonomous Award
Midwest Regional: Semi-Finalist alliance, Judges Award
2020/21 - Steve
AndyMark Kit of Parts Tank Drive
Pneumatically actuated through-bumper intake with vectored intake wheels to center balls
Conveyor systems with Rockwell Automation photo sensors to index balls
Double shooter optimized for short range shots
Qualifier Event: Finalist Alliance
State Championships: Semi-Finalist Alliance
2019 - Mr. Mosher's Legacy
AndyMark Kit of Parts Tank Drive
Wheeled cargo intake, actuated to score in the cargo ship and the first level of the rocket
Hatch panel intake to take panels from human player and score on cargo station and first level of rocket
Pneumatic stilts to climb to level 2
Game: Destination Deep Space Presented by the Boeing Company